Time out
Hello,I’m still on vacation and soooo turned off. Awake, but now tuned in to another channel instead. My daily life, habits, work, thoughts and activities do not excist on This new channel. Instead it’s This feeling that time stands still. That everything is here and...
Remember to bring back home this one thing!
Hello,Now it`s July and summer vacation and l have already been abroad with my kids. I must admit it was fantastic to get away from my daily life and just relax in the shadow by the pool.We all need a break and distance from our daily lifes.To rest your mind, your...
Are you a half?
Eat avocados as a meal!
Hello,it`s summer and l eat more cold salads than l usually do. There is something about the heat that makes my stomach more satisfied with raw vegetables than during winter.My favorite salad is tuna or greek salad, but also a form of avocado salad.Avocado can be hard...
My top 10 tips to keep in shape during summer!
Hello,This is my last week at work before l`ll will take a break and go on vacation. It`s a little surrealistic to go on vacation when you are a workoholic. Ha ha! It`s good for me, l know and l know l need it too.With holidays though your regular routines and...
Take five! Or fifteen! Everyday!
Get in shape after giving birth!
Hello,today l want to share a story about one of the ladies l`ve been so lucky to meet and guide in my studio, Smart Trening. Her name is Carina and she is a happy mum of two kids. I met her a year ago and she wanted as most of the people l meet: To get back in...
Get a better posture!
Hello,Do you want a better posture? Do you feel like a cripple in front of the computer?Today l share with you five exercises that will strengthen your legs, butt and back in addition to give you more mobility in your hips and back. The increased muscle strength and...
Turn yourself off to turn yourself on!
Hello!Today l will share with you one of my favorite 5 min meditations. I use this when l just want to relax and turn off the heat (in my head) and relax.I prefer lying on my back when l`m listening to it and the goal is to:Relax.And breath.
Coconut and Chocolate Yoghurt
Hello!Today l want to share this delicious chocolate mousse/yoghurt!It`s soooo easy to make. It takes you approximately 3 min to make and then put it in the refrigerator over the night and it`s ready.Recipe:1 box with ecological coconut milk.2 ts of raw cacao powder1...
Who rules in your life?
One of the main benefits of being an adult is that you can make your own choices and rules.
This is the guy who inspires me!
Hello to you!Today l want to share with you who that inspires me in my life! The man who with his knowledge and inspirations speech makes me work daily to become a better version of myself.
Chives Pesto with cashew nuts!
Hello,Today l share Isabels Chives Pesto with cashew nuts. It can easily be made in few minutes. All you need to make the pesto is:(1-2 persons):Two big bundles of chives 1/2 lemon
My daily smart dessert and snack!
Hello,today l want to share my newest alternative to my fourth meal or snack. It tastes delicious and is perfect as a small snack after dinner.
Coconut Yoghurt with berries!
Hey!Do you want to limit the amount of milk products in your diet, then the coconut yoghurt is excellent! It`s healthy and soooo good!Recipe:1 liter of coconut milk (not light)2 handfuls of berries (you choose the one you like).
Tooth brush exercises!
Good morning or maybe good night?Today l share my bathroom exercises. Four exercises you can play along with while you are brushing your teeth.The clue is to do them when you are getting ready or before you are going to bed. Do it when you are in front of the mirror...
My magic trick to get things done!
Hello,today l want to tell you a secret about how to get things done in your daily life no matter what. Many people have a thousands excuses why they can`t do things. I use them too. It`s not something that l`m proud of and the reason for that is that the excuses are...
Do this program to keep in shape this summer!
Why l can give you what you want!
Why do people go to a personal trainer?To get in shape? And eat healthier? loose weight?I guess these reasons have been the answer to a lot of people, also the people l meet at my studio: Smart Trening and online.When that is said,that is not what I`m offering you....
10min program to bring with you this summer!
Hello,today l want to give you a double program you can bring with you where ever you are going this summer. I will give you the first part of it today and the rest in a week.Get both cardio and strength!If you do the exercises in a circle without any breaksin between...
Time to face my fears!
How l get what l want in life
Hello,here is a thing that surprises me when l meet people.The fact that a lot of people go around expecting good things to happen to them, without knowing exactly what they want or consistently working towards what they want.Either it is to get at great job, or a...
Crossfit- Mellom komfort og skade
Treningsspalte 4 mai 2012: Jeg tester ut Crossfit! Les spalten her: Crossfit- Mellom komfort og skade
Make your daily life full of magic!
Do you often have the feeling that the days are just passing by? And so do the weeks? The feeling that you get up and do what you are suppose to do and then you go to bed?If you do have that feeling sometimes or often, you are not alone.I used to have that feel in a...
How to save money on your grocery shopping!
Hello,As you maybe read l`m making sure that l have what l need in the kitchen every week. The reason for that is that l just want to buy what l actually need and eat and save money and the environment.
My book baby!
Hello,I hope you have enjoyed your week so far!It`s been a busy one for me, even without kids.As you know I`ve been working hard to get my book done and it`s done. The first writing part anyway, but not the rest.You have editing to do and meetings with the publisher...
Line’s fab results!
/commercialHello,Today l want to tell you about Line-Beate and what she achieved in just two and a half weeks at Smart Trening.She wanted to get help to be guided on both nutrition, workout and life>After 17 day she achieved the following:- She didn`t have pain in her...
Two in one!
Hello!Today I`ll give you an efficient arm exercise!This one work out your upper arms and shoulders at the same time!EXERCISE: 1Shoulder press with kettle bells:5-7 repetitions x 3 setGet VIP membership and get the full program to get toned arms!GET STRONG AND TONED!
How to easily mix vegetables into your lunch!
Hey!Today l want to tell you how you can easily blend your vegetables in your warm lunch.If you have a frying pan you will upgrade your lunch in no time.All you need is:- Butter- Frosen spinach or green cale- Eggs (or just salmon)If you want to boost your gut (as you...
Get strong and toned arms!
Hello!Today I`ll give you an efficient arm program! Here you get:A warming up exercise and four exercises to tone and strengthen the backside of your arms and your shoulders.WARMING UP EXERCISEShoulder blades activation:5-7 repetitions EXERCISE: 1Shoulder press with...
He popped The question!
Hello,I hope you have enjoyed your weekend so far. I have been doing all the things l want to do, but haven`t had the time to do. Cleaning my closet, repairibg some clothes, making goals and plans and so on. But who cares about that today? ha ha!The big question is...
The food at the top of my grocery list!
Hello,Are you one of those who always feel that you are missing something in the refrigerator, but still it looks like you have a lot in it?Well, l know the feeling. Therefor l`ve tried to buy ONLY what l actually want and need every week. Not too little or too...
A mini workout program to tone your butt!
Hello!Today I will share a mini, but super efficient ass program you can do at home. The program will strengthen, tone and lift your butt! It should burn in your ass. (ha ha!)Do the three exercises below one after the other in a circle.Do 5-8 repetitions on each leg...
Get 20% discount on my Nutrition program!
Commercial for Helle`s World programsHello,This Thursday l want to kick start the spring by giving you a very good offer.A lot of people want to loose body fat and weight and maybe you are one of those?
I did it!
I’m proud.I’m so proud of myself.That l did the job every day, no matter what.After a year and two intense months l’veFinished my book!I did it!Two hours before my deadline,I delievered.I don’t have more to say today. All my words have gone to the book and today my...
How l reach my goals and so can you!
Hello,As l told you earlier l`m done making excuses and instead l`ve started doing three specific changes in my life:1: I have written down 5 goals. Goals that will take me some time to achieve, but hopefully less than a year.If you don`t have goals, then you won`t go...
I found my goal in love! And it`s freaking scary!
Hello!Happy Easter!Last week l told you how you can get what you want in life and l also told you that l hadn`t found my goal in love yet and even more important l told you that:I decided to find out what it is.Because l realized l was just walking in circles without...
How you can eat dessert and still loose weight!
Hello,Today l want to start on my sweet tooth search. In that sense that l want to find and share healthy desserts that will give you pleasure and that support your diet. I have shared this recipe before,but it`s too good to not mention one more time.I think most...
How to get a flat stomach, NOW!
Hello,To have a flat stomach give you a lot of benefits.You get a good attiude, a better workout technique, a better support of your back, besides of the fact that turned on stomach muscles look good.I think so anyways.In that sense that turned on muscles look make...
Find a pole and let`s hang!
Hello!To hang everyday is something l recommend you to do. To let your body get a good stretch and at the same time it will strengthen your upper body.Find a place in your home where you can hang or use a branch from a tree and try to hang there at least 60 seconds in...
The final countdown!
The ultimate exercise to feel strong!
Hello!To hang everyday is something l recommend you to do. To let your body get a good stretch and at the same time it will strengthen your upper body. Find a place in your home where you can hang or use a branch from a tree and try to hang there at least 60 seconds...