by Helle Luxe | Apr 4, 2020 | Goals, Joy training, Lifestyle, Love, My Priorities, Training
I give you my top 5 tips to make life feel great during Corona times. I`ve been thinking about writing this post for a while, but to be honest I didn’t want to offend anyone. The reason for this is that the Corona virus is having tremendous affect on the world...
by Helle Luxe | Mar 29, 2020 | A LET`S SHINE COMMERCIAL:, Boost immunesystem, Breakfast, Lose weight, Nutrition Training
Start your day by drinking a green juice to boost your body with vitamins and kick off your fatburning too. By making this green drink you will give your body a vitamin rush in addition to getting energy and keeping the brakes off your fat burning. The brakes will be...
by Helle Luxe | Mar 20, 2020 | Breakfast, Goals, Lose weight, Nutrition programs, Nutrition Training, Online Guidence, Online Programs, Results, Ukategorisert
Today I want to share one of my favorite breakfast recipes! This is on of my favorite breakfast because I love a hot drink in the morning, it is easy to make, it tastes delicious, it boosts the fat burning, it gives me lots of energy, it give me stabile blodsuger, and...
by Helle Luxe | Mar 15, 2020 | Boost immunesystem, Lifestyle, Nutrition Training, Ukategorisert
If you want to improve your health to stay healthy fit, remember to get a lot of VITAMIN C in your daily nutrition! That may increase your chances to stay in good shape in a time where the world is fighting a virus. Why drink regular orange juice when you can drink...
by Helle Luxe | Mar 14, 2020 | Let`s Shine Studio, Lifestyle, Lifestyle programs, Nutrition programs, Nutrition Training, Online Guidence, Online Programs, Results, Training, Ukategorisert
Get Strong and toned at Home! With the new situation in Norway the personal guidance will mainly be done online at The Let`s Shine studio. This means that you now can workout with your trainer and your friends, from at home! You can work out at home alone or in a...
by Helle Luxe | Mar 8, 2020 | Dessert, Goals, Lose weight, Nutrition Training, Results
Let´s Shine commercial/ The perfect dessert when you want a fast and a delicious dessert that makes you loose weight and get a flat stomach. Eat your sweets in the afternoon. Eat your carbohydrates at dinner time and as a dessert straight after dinner. If you limit...