by Swail Khan | Jul 1, 2018 | Arkiv
by Swail Khan | Jun 28, 2018 | Arkiv
Hello,it`s summer and l eat more cold salads than l usually do. There is something about the heat that makes my stomach more satisfied with raw vegetables than during winter.My favorite salad is tuna or greek salad, but also a form of avocado salad.Avocado can be hard...
by Swail Khan | Jun 24, 2018 | Arkiv
Hello,This is my last week at work before l`ll will take a break and go on vacation. It`s a little surrealistic to go on vacation when you are a workoholic. Ha ha! It`s good for me, l know and l know l need it too.With holidays though your regular routines and...
by Swail Khan | Jun 21, 2018 | Arkiv
by Swail Khan | Jun 17, 2018 | Arkiv
Hello,today l want to share a story about one of the ladies l`ve been so lucky to meet and guide in my studio, Smart Trening. Her name is Carina and she is a happy mum of two kids. I met her a year ago and she wanted as most of the people l meet: To get back in...
by Swail Khan | Jun 14, 2018 | Arkiv
Hello,Do you want a better posture? Do you feel like a cripple in front of the computer?Today l share with you five exercises that will strengthen your legs, butt and back in addition to give you more mobility in your hips and back. The increased muscle strength and...