by Helle Luxe | Jun 15, 2020 | A LET`S SHINE COMMERCIAL:, Lifestyle, Lose weight, Nutrition programs, Nutrition Training, Online Programs
Diets are notoriously ineffective and rarely work well in the long term. In fact, dieting is often one of the strongest predictors for future weight gain. Instead of going on a diet, try this instead: 1: Adopt a healthier lifestyle. Make sure to get healthy routines...
by Helle Luxe | Jun 8, 2020 | A LET`S SHINE COMMERCIAL:, Boost immunesystem, Nutrition Training, Recipe
This red cabbage/ beet rot juice recipe combination with other “red” ingredients creates a great pick-me-up drink for juicers alike. The combination of pomegranate, beets, red cabbage and ginger is amazing for your heart as well as your digestive system. It’s a...
by Helle Luxe | Jun 6, 2020 | A LET`S SHINE COMMERCIAL:, Goals, Joy training, Lifestyle, Mental Training, My Priorities, Results, Stamina and Character, Upbringing, Work and Business
Because somedays you do feel like doing that and you need to be prepared! Be prepared to handle those feelings. If you expect that every day will be great, you must likely will be disappointed. To get disappointed because of this is a waste of time. It`s much better...
by Helle Luxe | May 31, 2020 | A LET`S SHINE COMMERCIAL:, Goals, Joy training, Laughter, Lifestyle, Love, Mental Training, My Priorities, Stamina and Character, Structures and routines, Ukategorisert, Upbringing, Work and Business
Learn how you find happiness and diamonds in your daily life! One of our brains main function is to protect us against danger and help us avoid dangerous situations. This is a good thing and a good mechanism to have, but it can also limit us. When we earlier...
by Helle Luxe | May 26, 2020 | A LET`S SHINE COMMERCIAL:, Exercises, Online Workout, Strong and Toned, Training
Workout your butt! Push yourself up from the floor from all four! This exercise is perfect to do where ever you are. By doing the exercise on one leg you really get your butt working. If you want an easier variation do it on two legs. You are mainly working your butt,...
by Helle Luxe | May 24, 2020 | A LET`S SHINE COMMERCIAL:, Boost immunesystem, Nutrition Training, Recipe
Boost your coffee with turmeric. Check out this turmeric coffee recipe from my colleague Isabel! Turmeric has a powerful antioxidant effect. It neutralizes free radicals on its own, and stimulates the body’s own antioxidant enzymes. BULLETPROOF TURMERIC...