

today l want to give you a double program you can bring with you where ever you are going this summer. I will give you the first part of it today and the rest in a week.

Get both cardio and strength!
If you do the exercises in a circle without any breaksin between and only 1 min. break before doing next round, you will getboth cardio and strength effect.

No equipment needed!
You can do the exercises without any equipments and it will take you between 10min- 20min.

Choose if you want to:
1: Split the program in two and do the first four exercises in three rounds.

When you get the rest of the problem you can:
2: Or you can do the whole program in two rounds.
3: Or you can do the first four exercises in two rounds and the three other exercises in two rounds the next day.

I recommend you to do the full program at least once a week. If you do it twice that would be great! If you split the program in two then you should work out four days and hopefully approximately 10min every day.

1 PART of the program:

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