

Lately l’ve been wanting to find some new alternatives to a evening snack or dessert.

I have therefor tested it out and today l want to share my delicious chocolate milkshake with you.

My goal was to make it a full meal (no vegetables though) with Proteins, fast and some carbohydrates. In addition to that l also made sure l got probiotics in it to boost my gut.

Here is the recipe:

5 dl coconut milk

3 table spoons of raw cacao

3 table spoons of MCT coconut oil.

3 scoops of collagen protein

3 table spoons of «probiform» (activated probiotics)

3 table spoons of Sukrin Gold (you can use stevia)

1/2 table spoon of raw Honey(you can skip This if you want to have minimum of sugar).

Mix it together with a blender and put it in the refridgerator for 8 hours. The concistency should be like a thick milkshake afterwards. Stir with a spoon and then serve. This portion should be 3-5 meals, depending on how big snack you want and need after dinner.

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