This steak chili is the best beef chili recipe ever! Tender chunks of beef cooked in a deep, rich, spicy and smoky sauce. I go easy on the beans, but you can either skip them or add extra if you like. The recipe requires over an hour of preparation and active cook time, plus several hours to simmer on the stove, so it’s best to make it on a lazy weekend or when you have enough time. You might also consider doubling the recipe, because you can freeze some for another day or use leftovers for tacos or lunch.

Approximately 600g beef of high back or shoulder without bones (stay away from meat generically packaged as “stew meat”, especially if it looks lean, it will never get tender).
1-2 red or green chopped chilies
2 chopped onions
2 chopped cloves of garlic
1-2 tbsp of oil for frying
2 tbsp tomato puree
2 boxes of canned tomatoes
1 small box with corn (optional)
2 dl beef or vegetable broth
1 teaspoon chili powder
1 teaspoon cumin powder
1-2 teaspoon raw cacao
1 teaspoon sukrin gold (or brown sugar if you don’t have sukrin gold)
½ teaspoon cinnamon
2 boxes black beans
1 green bell pepper
1 red bell pepper

1. Cut the meat into cubes
2. Put the oil in a hot big saucepan, and brown the meat
3. Add the chili, onion and garlic, and let it simmer for some minutes
4. Add the tomato puree and let it fry for 2 more minutes, and pour in the canned tomatoes, corn and broth
5. Add spices and let it simmer under a lid on low-medium temperature until tender, 1-2 hours
6. After 1 hour, add in the black beans
7. Continue the cooking and add inn the bell peppers 20 minutes before serving
8. Taste, and add more spices if desire
9. Serve the casserole with fresh cilantro, crispy salad, rice / cauliflower rice etc.

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