

– A training in loving yourself and experiencing more love and joy in your life.


It starts with the heart 

“Heart training” is the first essential step of seven steps to shine more in your life. To give love to yourself. To think, say, and do loving actions daily to fill your heart with joy and love, and to be grateful. Increase your heart training, and increase your experience of love in your life, and not at least: Increase the love you have to give to others. 


Why you need to love yourself big time

Think of yourself as a love station. The more love you are having in you, the more you have to give to others. That means that if you really want to be a caring, loving person, you have to start by giving love to yourself first. You can`t give to other people from an empty station. The other side of the coin is that you can`t receive or experience big love, if you don`t have big love for yourself first. It will be like trying to fill a truck fully loaded with love, on a small jug. It won`t work. You can`t receive all the love that is around you, because your heart jug to receive it in, is too small. It will pass you by. You won`t be able to recognise, or truly appreciate and feel the love given to you in your heart, when you haven`t felt it in your own heart first.  By not filling yourself with love, you are robbing yourself and people you are having in your life from the possibility of receiving big amounts of love. 


How to do Heart training

To shine more and feel bigger happiness in your life starts with you and your heart training. To train your heart daily. Your heart training can be done in many ways.
The basics are the following: 

1: What kind of language are you using? Are you talking to yourself in a caring way, as if you were your own best friend, with loving, supportive, constructive words and thoughts, always with love? This is essential.

2: The second aspect is to look at yourself in the mirror and see your own beauty. To acknowledge yourself and appreciate who you are, and how you look. To say to yourself: I love you”, and keep saying it enough times and regularly, so you can feel it in your heart and believe it. 

3: Heart training is also to ask yourself loving questions. Questions like: What do I need today to feel happy? How can I make sure my needs are being met? 

4: It’s also to allow negative emotions that arise to be heard, and met with love, and ask yourself: “What do I need now?” By doing this you are increasing your tank of love, and making it much easier to take the necessary actions daily to take good care of yourself. 

5: The last, but not the least important thing to focus on in heart training, is to be grateful. Grateful for who you are. To be proud of who you are, what you are accomplishing, and to generally start to see more beauty around you, in your life. This is by thinking of and if possible writing down daily at least 10 things that you are grateful for in your life, including things about yourself. You then train yourself to experience yourself and the world around you through love and happiness. 



It`s all about giving

By pouring love to yourself, and making yourself happy, you are taking responsibility for your own happiness and life. You are not unfairly placing your happiness on another person. Either it is on your kids or your partner. You are taking responsibility on a continuous basis for you, and you are making yourself into a power station of love and happiness. You are turning yourself into a  person that is lightening up a room, not being a flickering light, craving love from other people to fill your power station. By being full of love, you can pass the love forward and give to other people from a powerful place. Giving based on a stable love, amplifies also the love you are giving, and increases the experience of love you are giving to the people around you. The stability makes your love feel more powerful and strong, like an endless light that never flickers. 


You are not a big giver, when you don`t give to yourself. 

If you are afraid of being selfish, the irony is that you are actually selfish when you are not taking the time daily to give love to yourself. When you don`t make sure that you are training and nourishing your heart daily, you are not able to give big love to others. That’s when you will have less to give to others. You are risking to be this flickering light, having a half empty jug, craving love from others, and not experiencing giving love on the level that you intend and want, and not receiving the amount of love you are wishing for in your life. Don`t be selfish. Take responsibility for your happiness and give to yourself daily, so you then have more to give to others.  


Train your heart every day 

The foundation to shine more in your life is deeply connected to the amount of love you are embracing, and are filling yourself with. It is further creating the foundation of how much love you can give to others, and not at least how much love you are able to receive and experience in your life. Therefore, make sure you train your heart every day.


Helle Luxe 


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