by Swail Khan | nov 4, 2018 | Arkiv
They are usually frusterated, irritated and discouraged when they ask me this question: Helle, what can l eat when l`m on the go? And there are no healthy alternatives? What an healthy food alternative can be varies. It depends on your health goals, but the trick is...
by Swail Khan | nov 1, 2018 | Arkiv
Hello!Today l want to share my hot cacao recipe. You can drink it as your breakfast, or after dinner or when you need to boost your body. If you choose to drink it after dinner or as a boost, be aware that you should avoid eating/drinking sugar/carbohydrates too. You...
by Swail Khan | okt 28, 2018 | Arkiv
DO YOU DO ONE OF THESE 5 MISTAKES WHEN TRYING TO LOOSE WEIGHT?Check out my full list of typical mistakes most people do when trying to loose weight and find out if you do them too.If you do, you can eliminate them and increase your fatburning in no time!If you do one...
by Swail Khan | okt 21, 2018 | Arkiv
Hello,as promised l give you my priorities on my grocery shopping list.Here you get a list of what l recommend you to make sure you have at home and in your kitchen.I have given the different foods numbers. The ones with the number: 1, means things you should buy...
by Swail Khan | okt 18, 2018 | Arkiv
How often are you naked?Besides of being naked in the shower? and almost naked when you are at the beach or in your swim suit. Maybe you sleep in the nude?If not, it`s not many minutes you are undressed and only covered by your skin.If you live like me in Norway it`s...