by Swail Khan | jan 1, 2020 | Goals, Livsstil, Nutrition Training, Results, Trening
Either it is a new year or you just want a new start, there are three things that will give you what you want. 1: Write down you goals It`s essential that you write them down. Write down at least three things you want to achieve. Goal 1: Goal 2 and Goal...
by Swail Khan | des 22, 2019 | Lose weight, Nutrition Training
Eat double amount of vegetables as you did previously. Try to eat some vegetables till lunch and dinner at least. Half of your plate should be vegetables besides protein and fats! If you remember to fill your plate and meals with vegetables there will be less...
by Swail Khan | des 1, 2019 | Livsstil, Mental Training, Results, Stamina and Character
That’s todays question. We are all programmed in a different way. It`s based on your earlier experiences, what you have been told and your beliefs. These aspects among others are determining what you are telling yourself on a regular basis. So the question is:...
by Swail Khan | nov 24, 2019 | Livsstil, Lose weight, My Priorities, Nutrition Training, Results, Top posts, Trening
What has she done to get those results? Many people have asked me that question. The truth is that she has made easy changes in her nutrition. She has not been starving, she has been full, but she has been eaten differently than she used to. The changes in her...
by Swail Khan | nov 10, 2019 | Joy training, Livsstil, Love, My Priorities, Results, Structures and routines, Ukategorisert
Most people understand that they need to workout regularly to have a good health and get results, but why don’t they do the same with love and joy? That’s todays`question. To be happy and to be in love are not something that just happens and that just...
by Swail Khan | nov 3, 2019 | Boost immunesystem, Breakfast, Nutrition Training
At the time being I’m working on optimalizing the meals I’m eating and recommending. One of the meals I’m working on is breakfast. The goal is to eat something good, that boosts your fatburning and also your stomach and gut. Therefor I’m trying...