by Swail Khan | apr 22, 2019 | Arkiv
Life is one big workout.Either you want to get bigger muscles in your physical body, get fit and toned or you want to get bigger muscles in your work, your relationships or in taking better care of yourself. Most situations in your daily life are giving you an...
by Swail Khan | apr 14, 2019 | Arkiv
by Swail Khan | apr 3, 2019 | Arkiv
Hello!Do you want to get health results fasts?Most people I meet want to loose weight and get a better muscle and fat balance and they want results fast. That’s fair enough I think. That people want to see results relatively fast based on the changes they do in...
by Swail Khan | mar 24, 2019 | Arkiv
Kroppens “lykkehormon” endorfiner produseres når du trener og kan gi en økt følelse av glede og lykke. Når det er sagt vil jeg som livsstilsveileder og personlig trener advare deg som trener mer enn to ganger i uka: Ved å prioritere fysisk trening for høyt kan du bli...
by Swail Khan | mar 17, 2019 | Arkiv
/commercialHello,today I want to share with you what you need to do to:Get stronger,Get tonedand slim.1:You have to make sure you are having a nutrition that makes you loose fat. If you believe you are eating correctly, but you are notloosing the weight or the fat:...
by Swail Khan | mar 14, 2019 | Arkiv
Some people are saying things as: This is my better half as they only is a half themselves and that their partner is the other part. Maybe a romantic thought, but I think it is quite the opposite to be honest.We are all born as one and when we grow up and are adults...