by Helle Luxe | feb 7, 2021 | Children, Goals, Joy training, Laughter, Livsstil, Lifestyle programs, Love, Mental Training, My Priorities, Relationships, Stamina and Character, Structures and routines, Upbringing
Do you as I want your kids to be happy and strong? If so, I´m sharing with you today my top 3 daily routines on how to help them feel that way. It`s easy, straight on tools that you can use in your daily life too if you want to! My experience is that it is the small...
by Helle Luxe | jul 26, 2020 | Children, Joy training, Laughter, Livsstil, Love, My Priorities, Relationships, Structures and routines, Ukategorisert, Upbringing
When you can`t travel that far…. Find your perfect summer nearby instead and discover big love in you life! This summer I couldn’t as many of us travel that far. Corona keep us in place all though countries were popping up you suddenly could travel too....
by Helle Luxe | feb 9, 2020 | Children, Goals, Livsstil, Love, Ukategorisert, Upbringing, Work and Business
Happy mothers day! Being a mum is being a lot, but basically your job is to do your best to make sure your kids get a good life. It may be thousands way to achieve this, but I believe that the goal to give your kids the best opportunities in life is a universal goal....
by Swail Khan | jan 30, 2020 | Children, Goals, Joy training, Livsstil, Mental Training, My Priorities, Upbringing
That’s the question. When you have planned this perfect day or this perfect week. You have planned lots of activities, healthy choices, work outs and meetings… and then: It fails. You are getting sick. Your kid is getting sick or something happened in your...