
Let's Shine
Silver Program

In Your Silver Program You Get:

  • 12 Weeks with access to Helle`s best tools, programs and coaching.
  • 25-minute weekly group coaching sessions or replays
  • 4 Private tutorials a 30min with Helle Luxe
  • 4 Summaries and feedback sent to you after each session.
  • A Nutrition program with information, menus, recipes to secure your physical results and well-being. 
  • A Lifestyle program to increase your mental strength and joy in everyday life

  • A workout program that makes you strong, toned, and fit using your own body weight!

  • In addition, you of course also get access to the Empower & Shine online platform, with over 100 different training, diet and lifestyle programs, weekly Empowering Live broadcasts from various parts of the world, registrations of your goals, training and results and much more. 

  • Price Only: NOK 13 470,- (Full value NOK 46 490,-)

The Results & Benefits you can expect to get!

  • Getting strong and toned and fit!
  • Increased and even energy level throughout your day
  • Increased happiness and joy on a daily basis!
  • Reduced stress and increased presence and balance in a hectic life. 
  • Getting a good weight balance
  • Increased mental strength to deal with any challenges more easily. 
  • Increased effectiveness throughout your day.
  • Improved relationships to the people you are having in your life
  • Better self-esteem and confidence
  • Better sleeping quality
  • A more well-functioning stomach and gut.
  • Reduce bloatedness 
  • A better working immune system
  • Get rid of cravings, better skin and hair
  • Get a workout routine that suits your daily life.
  • Increased mobility and flexibility
  • Get rid of muscle stiffness, weakness and pain.
  • A strong, flexible and pain free back.
  • A better cardio vascular system, better posture and better workout technique.


Get Strong, Fit and Happy with Helle`s Tools and Coaching!

Get it all! Don`t settle for less! Get her 20 years of experience, and amazing fun and efficient tools to empower you and secure your results, now!


Learn & Achieve:

  • How to workout on a weekly basis to get a strong, toned and a functional body.
  • How to put together your workout week, based on your needs and daily activities.
  • How to boost your existing nutrition and diet by small and smart adjustments.
  • How to get stronger mentally and emotionally
  • How to have a more peaceful daily life and be more balanced.
  • How to get into weekly short meditations and workouts
  • How to make yourself happier on a daily basis.
  • How to have good week goals
  • How to boost yourself and celebrate your weekly wins
  • How to enjoy life more.
  • How to register your progression and your results
  • How you can implement Let’s Shine Basic workouts, nutrition and lifestyle tools in your life through applying the programs in your life.
  • How to get a good workout technique and a safe and efficient workout at home.
  • How to align your body every day to have a strong and functional body through your day.
  • How to reduce your stress levels.


Helle Luxe

  • Lifestyle advisor, speaker, and author.

  • Bachelor’s degree in socialanthropology with psychology from the University of Oslo.

  • Personal trainer, dietary advisor, and lifestyle coach.

  • Over 20 years of experience in guiding and training people.

  • Author of the books “Smart Mamma” and “Train Smarter!”

  • Former training expert in the newspaper VG with a weekly training column.

  • Philosophy based on 7 pillars for shining more in life.

  • Owner of the Empower & Shine Lifestyle Online platform
  • Owner of Let’s Shine Studio in Oslo since 2008.
  • Offers Webinars and Speeches and Corporate coachings and events.



What Our Clients Say

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